"So what's it gonna take? Silver shadow believer..." -Shiny Toy Guns

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"TimeBomb" is Timeless

Time Bomb - Interactive Graffiti (StupidKrap & Holler) from Mike Hill on Vimeo.

This is so FRESH! TimeBomb is an interactive graffiti piece that includes 9 artists whose work is layered over one another, all shot in time-lapse photography. The artists: DMOTE, Kid Zoom, Ben Frost, Numskull, Roach, John Doe, Creon, Bennett and KissKiss. The project is the genius of digital artist Lukasz Karluk (Holler) and Maddi Boyd (KissKiss), sculptor/painter. The work is being shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art, in Sydney, Australia. The installation features 2 graffiti walls. One is the painting itself, the other is the projection of the film. The film aspect is motion censored; people have the ability to effect how it changes with their movements, as the piece displays the history of the wall and layers of art beneath. So often graffiti is painted over and this shows the art in stages and what lived on the wall before.
Click here for more info

Friday, May 22, 2009

Azy Does NY

I have always wanted to go to New York, but have yet to have made it. Dear friends of mine artist, Ricky Watts and his fantastic girlfriend, Noe just went. They took with them my "Azy Does It" promotional button and Noe took Azy's picture everywhere! It's kind of like I was there. So thoughtful, so cool, so funny. It's just plain RAD. Loves!

Monday, May 18, 2009

MoMA Sees: Life is Art

This MoMA (Modern Museum of Art) video made me teary eyed today. It is one part of their ad campaign, “I See” and beautifully shows that art can be a definitive comparison to day-to-day life. It shows how art evokes emotion and speaks to us as human beings. I am a big believer in the “art is everywhere” philosophy and thus, truly love this. MoMA gets it, they definitely see. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My New Blog: Cause For Creative

I just started a new blog, Cause For Creative. I am so excited! Check it out, it's all for a good cause.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Circus

Some say life is a bowl of cherries, others a jar of jalapeƱos, or a box of chocolate. I once wrote it was like a quarter machine: http://azydoesit.blogspot.com/2008/08/life-is-like-quarter-machine.html

My newest: Life is like the circus. You have to jump through flaming hoops, tame the lions, walk a tightrope, and deal with a bunch of clowns for any chance of making the big top.